Los Angeles is known for tacos, so it’s no surprise that there are taco shops on just about every corner. So what makes one taco shop stand out from the others? Well in NOBREAD world, a menu of gluten free tacos would definitely do the trick. Enter Guisados. Originally located in Boyle Heights, Guisados has moved into Echo Park & Downtown and serves tacos that are loved by both the gluten-free and gluten-full communities…
Guisados’ tacos are simple, and the entire menu is gluten free with the exception of the occasional seasonal special. On my most recent visit to the restaurant, I tried the Chicharron taco, which had pork rinds simmered in chile verde, and the Calabacitas taco, which had squash, tomatoes, bell peppers, corn and onions. I recommend both! What I loved most about Guisados is their variety. Most taco shops stick to their guns and feature a small menu of just 4-5 tacos. At Guisados, there are about ten staple tacos offered as well as gluten free quesadilla options! I’m eyeing the pescado and camarones tacos for my next visit. Also, the tacos are definitely spicy, so to everyone who loves food with an extra kick, Guisados’ tacos are right up your alley.
Fast, simple, and fresh, I definitely recommend trying out Guisados. Gluten friendly and delicious… what more can you ask for!?