Last week on my Instagram, I asked you all to comment your favorite gluten-free breads. Well my friends, here are your top ten results:
- Canyon Bakehouse
- Bread SRSLY
- Trader Joe’s Brand
- Erewhon Brand
- Coco Bakes
- Little Northern Bakehouse
- AWG Bakery
- Simple Kneads
- Food For Life
- Bread Blok
Here are a few of my thoughts:
- WOW. No one commented Udi’s. Thank goodness! This was the first (and kind of the only) gluten-free bread that was around when I went GF back in the day. I liked the company’s innovation and dedication to making gluten-free alternatives for sooo many products, but to be honest, Udi’s really wasn’t my fave.
- Canyon Bakehouse- This was the winner… by A LOT! When I first started NOBREAD, as you can imagine, every gluten-free bread company reached out and offered to send me their product. I was frustrated by the GF bread’s on the market, so naturally I ditched the bread (hence, NOBREAD) in favor of other carbs like potato, rice, and sweet potato. My dad became the resident household GF bread taster, and I remember him saying Canyon was by far his favorite. I agreed
- BREAD SRSLY, Coco Bakes, Simple Kneads, and AWG Bakery are my current top choices (in no order).
- When in doubt, choose GF sourdough. Always the best.
- The famous Erewhon Paleo bread- overpriced and nothing special. I don’t understand people’s obsession with it! And that’s coming from me, the self-proclaimed Queen of Erewhon.
- Lot’s of love for Trader Joe’s GF brand… I haven’t tried it yet!!
I plan on sampling more from the above list, and coming out with a ranking soon! I’d love to hear more of your thoughts!
xx, Nobread
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