I love to read, especially books that empower me to take my health into my own hands and make a change! Health & wellness expert Dr Taz Bhatia’s book, Super Woman RX, does just that! And this book isn’t like any other wellness book I’ve read before. It starts with a quiz and offers five prescriptive plans based on a woman’s unique medical type or Power Type:
- Boss Lady
- Savvy Chick
- Gypsy Girl
- Earth Mama
- Nightingale
Drawing inspiration from conventional medicine, Chinese medicine and Ayurveda, each nutrition, exercise and beauty plan helps shed pounds, decrease anxiety and depression, rejuvenate skin, reduce PMS symptoms, and much more in just 3 weeks. After those three weeks come long-term strategies including individualized plans to heal your spirit and your physical health. Dr. Taz’s philosophy goes beyond a diet plan―with her guidance, women will radiate from the inside out.
Prior to taking the quiz I was convinced I would be a Boss Lady or Gypsy Girl. The two sound so different, but that sums me up! Boss Lady by day, and Gypsy Girl by night and weekend. The result? I’m a Boss Lady! Determined, invincible, and strategic. After receiving my type, I read all-things Boss Lady. What issues I am prone to, what wellness techniques suit me best, what diet I should follow, etc. How cool is that? And the crazy part- it was all SO accurate. From saying how a Boss Lady struggles with Thyroid imbalance to my need to work on my Liver Meridian (something my acupuncturist and I are currently doing).
Super Woman RX is detailed and deep, and incorporates amazing recipes at the end of the book. All women need to take the Power Type quiz and identify what kind of woman they are, HERE. It is imperative in embarking on the road to recovery and wellness!!
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